July 6, 2009


Save Share Settings and Permissions

  • July 6, 2009
  • anand
  • Share
  • windows_logo_sm

    How to save and restore share names and permission on a windows 2000/XP/2003 computer?

    After surfing, experimenting and reading a lot I ultimately found out the solution to the above question. Its really a great method to achieve the same. It’s simple and can be done tweaking in the Registry Editor. The method is easy and can be followed by any person. I have tried to explain the method in best way I could have. Read the steps carefully…

    I will explore the method to you all


    1. Open the registry editor.

    navigate: HKEY_LOCAL _MACHINE sub-tree, go to the following key:


    2. Save or export that Registry Key.

    3. Type in new file name (a file extension is not necessary), and then save the file to a floppy

    4. Reinstall Windows and run the registry Editor.

    5. Restore or import the registry key. You’ll need to type in the path and file name of the file you saved.

    6. Restart your PC

    *You can always restore your previous configuration by pressing [F8] at boot-up and selecting he “Last known good configuration” option

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